Friday, July 3, 2020

St Ann M’ass

       (after AH in spirit of RG)


To control gas

Burn the bottle

Ban it!


Let us liberate

Fingers, sentient noun

Whirligig mount & dismount


Sutures that thrive

& cut to the quick

Hold expansion slot & turn


Litany of names

How much per head

How much per likeness


Dear Calvin & Hobbes

Whose Rabbit Ears

Have lost the image


Monuments to monuments

Lochness monsters

Till it hurts


Image of music

Blue acetate thread

Below Crow sky


Let's haul flesh

Bell curves

to spin and contrive


Clothes to gather what

Command singed

Bred in smoke


& dressed in ranch

A little pepper yes

Table racked


For bifocal vision

Landless aperture



Red & black

Unanimous swing vote

Mailed the pigeons home

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