Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Inverse Set

After the doublebind‎'s
neither nor
Even Kansas
Valley girl hopscotch
The ferocity level
one believes in
‎after afterparties
that ache

Too much
paramutual feeling
warts and all
Too boxed in to
hit perfecta

Pyramid schematics
trump eharmony
Sacrificial iamb
Alien embrace
means what it says
predictive model

We are all Sans papiers
Silent logic
Thumbs forget
The record collection I enact
Flipping song
Mimetic chant
& no fixed employ
& yet this is what
victory looked like
Two cycle engine
in the dark
to her snore

Sunday, January 4, 2015

‎Dark Side (Congruent Register)

-if hell is other poets…   

Specific instruments
Out of phase
Did I miss something
Loving and stealing wisdom
‎I was gonna duck the question
Resisting Sartre's obvious formulation
Killjoy investing
Bad vibes
Love isn't blocked
Phased out
When listening‎

‎What you can't see
Cracked screen
I can't even read
‎Newsprint, nitrate, vulcanite
Some honeycomb dipshit
‎600 pages of overproduction

‎Penetrated by ‎Birth
White hegemony is dead
but doesn’t know it
fashioned into symmetry
Maximum damage
By Supremes

Love, homeownership
Kerning pairs
We lean in
at Sag Harbor
@marriage, @death
We live inadequate
Salve to canker
sore Central to
all feeling