Monday, November 18, 2019


How to circle wagons
how to signify what looks like a nest
If thinking > feeling
does recognition exploit comic mode
or unfold as motion picture
In our comic strip we met for coffee
anxiety baked in time & place
In Beckett’s Film fingers trace the walls
& refuse to answer
Buster Keaton holes up shushing his pets
turning us one at a time
to face the wall before opening
the envelope of inner images

His action is subtraction
a wave that owns poets
whose feelings precede calculus
whose pictures double what is not I
Proofs of accumulate matter
Scourge of clouds after math
after terminal degree as if speaking to you
of the many ways to maintain scars
Just past the cluster of soothsayer signals
the trashcan curve rattling fastball
time to just intuit and swing

I now work for the outer agency
originally a translation
of what history thinks it teaches
lulled to sleep by a set of config commands
silent switches to suppress
blades thrust in chassis
Let’s just say another world is possible
network of disappearances
Spitting image of what
loved to be loved

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