Monday, June 11, 2018

If the broom fits

      -after the Yerbamala collective & SR

This next poem is called Infection
Phenotype eye poison
or how we are infected with whiteness

The unstoried poet touchtypes
It’s his mother’s dictate
Gender’s abandoned punchcard

Tell him to tell it to the dead
the Irish joke already gone
These fists of mine

Bled in from mixing
the color of epidemic
captured or orphaned

I heard the food hit the floor
3 second rule but ate it anyway
2 lovely sons

Listened to 4 saints
but lost it at 3 card monte
2 one-hundred franc notes

Paris flea mart 
near parochial school
I see your city

& surrender it
I see you in such a metropolis
Mother of figure & line

She said welcome cavemen
welcome conquests
so long ritual onslaught

This next poem is called
If the broom fits (witch)
it is time to ride

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