Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Direct Action Donut (or Latent Construct for Decoy)

            “Creative compatibility is undervalued, creative dissent is overvalued.” – J.K.

Drawn so that lines
Cavalry from green recruits 
Slim Pickins' body English
James Caan as the con
Answering the call to play
(which might be funnier if I knew the movie better.  The Glory Boys based on the novel The Dice of God.  Sam Peckinpah’s Little Big Horn.)

The recipe says
Too much tomfoolery
So that the donut vibrating next to us
testifies to its family of gulls
of Gullivers

‎Each pulled thread
Flight lines to contradict
Synonyms I subscribe to
To incinerate deep freeze

Splayed on countertops
My emulating machine‎
Which is an ear
Regulated registered regimented
Pedagogy's birthmark
Scratched in concrete
Skin particles & parchment
Sticks and stones
Did I say intersectional bliss
Latent construct for decoy
Blacked out
Resonating boxcars
Going all 666